Carrie J. Hinnant

Practice Administration
Executive Director, Carolina TherapeuticsÂ
Speech-Language Pathologist & Feeding Therapist; Certified Autism Specialist; ADOS-2 Evaluator, SOS Approach to Feeding Provider; Beckman Oral Motor Protocol Provider; AAC Evaluator & Provider
Carrie Hinnant is an actively practicing Speech-Language Pathologist and Certified Autism Specialist who treats a diverse patient population, from pediatrics to geriatrics. She is licensed in both North and South Carolina, and in addition to being our Executive Director, is also a member of our Speech & Feeding Teams.
Carrie earned her BS in Psychology from The College of Charleston, her Master’s in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology from South Carolina State University, and her Certificate of Clinical Competencies in Speech-Language Pathology from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Carrie has recently become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and utilizes Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) to support the growth and development of her practice.
Carrie has specialty training in the SOS Approach to Feeding, DIRFloortime, Beckman Oral Motor Protocol, BITES: A Behavioral InTEgrated with Speech Approach to Feeding Therapy, Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol, and Tobii Dynavox training for AAC Devices. She has received the Award for Continuing Education (ACE) by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Carrie works at Carolina Therapeutic Ranch providing hippotherapy to patients. One of her professional interests is supporting clinicians and graduate students through providing university lectures on specialty topics and continuing education opportunities at state conventions.
Carrie is married to her loving husband, Chip, and enjoys raising their two children, Charlotte and Liam. In her free time, she enjoys riding her two horses, Stormy and Blaze, reading, gardening, taking trips to Lake Keowee, and playing with her dogs, Ruxin and Millie.